Wednesday, 27 August 2014

Nasi ayam - Small Potatoes Make The Steak Look Bigger: Sambal nasi ayam at ...

Nasi ayam - Small Potatoes Make The Steak Look Bigger: Sambal <b>nasi ayam</b> at <b>...</b>

Small Potatoes Make The Steak Look Bigger: Sambal <b>nasi ayam</b> at <b>...</b>

Posted: 24 Aug 2014 05:36 AM PDT

I wasn't really sure what to expect out of the sambal from this chicken rice stall at Mr Teh Tarik, but it turned out pretty good. The flavours of the sauce were rich, pungent and spicy ladled over some tender roasted chicken. Their rice was beady and well flavoured while the accompanying chilli sauce on the side was lime-y and refreshing. This was definitely one of the more memorable Halal chicken rice that I've had.

Rufimy eats: <b>Nasi Ayam</b> Penyet Komplit |

Posted: 17 Aug 2014 10:10 PM PDT

Ayam komplit

Ayam Penyet Komplit ($11.90 +$2.00 extra for chicken liver and giblet)

Rufimy's General Overview: I like Indonesian food and I stumbled upon this place after getting a haircut nearby.

Rufimy's Like(s): The food came out really quick and it was tasty.

Rufimy's Dislike(s): There is nothing too amazing with the food and the place is not well heated. The door cannot be closed properly hence the cold air keep coming in. I was not comfortable eating there at all :( [I was wearing multiple layers]. On another note, I saw something that really disgusted me. I wanted extra rice so I went to the counter (all waiters/waitresses were in the kitchen). I saw the lady scrubbing the floor with her transparent gloves on. She came out without taking her gloves off. I told her I wanted extra rice and she immediately scoop the rice (WITH her gloves still on). I was terrified. I politely then told her that I would rather her scoop the rice without her gloves. 

Their specialty: I only tried three dishes so I can't pinpoint just yet but I will be back! 


Nasi Ayam Bakar Sambal Istimewa ($10.90)

Location: 643 Warrigal Road, Chadstone, VIC 3148

Number: (03) 9568 5311

Value For Money

Bamboe Cafe on Urbanspoon

online poll by Opinion Stage

masam manis: <b>Nasi Ayam</b>, Ayam Kampung sedapnya...!

Posted: 19 Aug 2014 05:12 PM PDT

Ramai antara kita yang cukup mengemari nasi ayam. Nasi ayam adalah hidangan yang cukup enak di nikmati dan sangat sesuai sebagai hidangan untuk merai kedatangan tetamu ke rumah.

Baru-baru ini, ita telah menyediakan nasi ayam untuk tetamu, ita masak agak banyaklah sikit sebab adik ita sekeluarga ada di rumah, kebetulan anak ita Amirul dan Azrul juga turut pulang sama. Anak buah ita sorang lagi turut datang rumah kerana ibu dan ayahnya pulang ke kampung, sebabkan dia tinggal seorang kat rumah, jadi kami pun mengajak sekali dia tinggal di rumah.

Hari yang sama juga cikgu Amirul dan Azrul , sekeluarga datang berhari raya ke rumah. Kerana itu ita mengambil keputusan untuk menyediakan nasi ayam. Selain ianya mudah dan ringkas, ia juga merupakan menu yang cukup di gemari anak-anak.

Kali ini ita memasak nasi ayam menggunakan ayam kampung. Ayam yang ita beli ni tak berapa besar, bersaiz sederhana sahaja.
Ita memilih resepi Nasi Ayam yang di kongsikan oleh Che' Nom untuk di hidangkan pada tetamu kali ini. Selaian cara penyediaannya yang mudah dan ringkas, ita cukup gemarkan nasinya yang bewarna kuning keemasan. Memang tak silap memilih kerana nasi ini sangat sedap dengan ayamnya lagilah.... cukup membuka selera kami sekeluarga.

Kebiasannya ita menyediakan nasi ayam bersama lauk ayam masak merah kerana lauk ayam masak merah cukup di gemari anak-anak. Kali ini ita cuba resepi ayam ni pula.. nampak menarik kan.. Tapi macam biasa resepi ayam masak merah turut ita sediakan untuk anak-anak...

Lama tak makan ayam kampung... sesekali makan memang cukup berselera sekali..
Melihatkan ayam yang tergolek selepas di goreng, cukup memanggil-manggil selera tak sabar rasanya nak menjamah hidangan..

Bau harum nasi yang menguning dan ayam yang golden brown berkilat-kilat dan memancar-mancar keemasannya memanglah.. mengugat keimanan..

Apa tunggu lagi.. tak sabar nak kongsikan kepada kawan-kawan...

Resepi : Che' Nom
Rujukan : Iresepi

Mula-mula kita kena rebus ayam terlebih dahulu, kerana air rebusan ayam akan kita gunakan untuk menanak nasi nanti.

Bahan Rebusan Ayam

2 ekor ayam kampung sederhana saiz ~ kalau tak ada ayam kampung ayam biasa pun boleh.
2 ulas bawang putih ~ di hiris halus
2 inc halia ~ di hiris
2 kiub ayam

Bahan Perapan Ayam

1 sudu besar kicap pekat
1 sudu besar sos tiram
1 sudu besar madu
1 sudu besar kicap cair
2 ulas bawang putih ~ di kisar
1 inc halia ~ dikisar

Satukan ayam , bawang putih yang di hiris, halia hiris dan kiub ayam ke dalam periuk. Tambahkan air secukupnya dan rebus hingga ayam empuk.

Bila ayam dah empuk, angkat ayam dan toskan.
Baki air rebusan jangan di buang, kerana kita akan gunakan untuk menanak nasi dan membuat sup.
Satukan bahan perapan. Lumurkan bahan perapan pada ayam dan perap sebentar.
Sementara kita perap ayam, kita sediakan pula nasinya.

Bahan Untuk Nasi Ayam

3 cawan beras Basmathi ~ kalau nak guna beras biasa pun boleh
Jika guna beras basmathi, rendam beras dahulu paling kurang 20 minit, kemudian cuci bersih dan toskan.
Jika guna beras biasa sukatan air rebusan ayam  sama macam kita masak nasi biasa

4 cawan air rebusan ayam ~ baki air rebusan ini kita guna untuk sup pula
2 sudu besar mentega
1 cm halia ~ di hiris
1 batang serai ~ di titik
2 helai daun pandan di simpul
3 ulas bawang putih ~ di kisar
3 ulas bawang merah ~ dikisar
1 inc kunyit ~ dikisar

Rempah Tumis
2 batang kulit kayu manis
3 kuntum bunga lawang
5 kuntum cengkih
3 biji pelaga

Bila bahan dah tersedia, bolehlah kita mulakan proses menanak nasi.
Seperti biasa bila ita masak nasi ita akan gunakan periuk nasi untuk memasak. Selain mudah dan ringkas, ita juga tak perlu risau untuk menjaga api. Cukup masa ia masak dengan begitu sempurna sekali.

Ok sekarang kita nak buat apa dulu...

Nasi dah pun siap sekarang kita siapkan sup pula

Bahan Untuk Sup

Baki air rebusan ayam tadi ~ larikan 1/2 cawan untuk sos cili
1 uncang sup bunjut
1 biji kentang di dadu
1 batang lobak merah potong panjang
3 pokok daun bawang ~ potong panjang, bahagian labu bawahnya yang unggu tu belah 2 dan masukkan sekali.
Garam secukup rasa

Baki air rebusan ayam tadi, kita panaskan semula atas dapur. Bila dah didih masukkan sup bunjut, kentang, lobak merah, daun sup dan perasakan dengan garam.
Masak hingga kentang dan lobak empuk

Dah pun siap sup kita, sekarang bolehlah kita sediakan sos cilinya pula

Bahan Sos

5 biji cili merah
3 ulas bawang putih
1 inc halia
1 sudu besar cuka
1 sudu terh garam
1 sudu teh gula
1/2 cawan  air rebusan ayam

Satukan semua bahan dalam blender dan kisar.
Masak sebentar , kalau tak nak masak pun boleh.
Sedia di hidangkan

Sos dah pun siap, sekarang bolehlah kita goreng ayam yag kita perap tadi.
Ayam ni kita boleh goreng atau bakar, terpulang pada citarasa masing masing.
Kalau nak goreng gunakan minyak yang banyak dan goreng secara terendam.
Kalau nak bakar , letak atas dulang pembakar, lapik aluminium foil. Nak bungkus boleh tak bungkus pun boleh. Kalau bungkus dagingnya moist sikit dan tak kering.
Bakar hingga keemasan.

Baki perapan ayam tadi jangan di buang, kita boleh buat sos kicap

Sos Kicap

Baki air campuran kicap perapan ayam
Tambahkan sedikit kicap manis
Perasakan dengan garam
Kalau kuah pekat boleh tambahkan sedikit air rebusan ayam sedikit

Inilah hasinya setelah ayam di goreng.. Wah! menawan kalbu betul.. lihatlah warnanya yang kemasan dan berkilauan itu.. memanggil-manggil nampaknya...
aiiii... apa tunggu lagi..
Jom kita menjamu selera..

Hainanese chicken rice - Resepi dan cara membuat <b>nasi ayam</b>

Posted: 30 Jun 2014 09:45 AM PDT

Hainanese chicken rice is a dish of Chinese origin, most commonly associated with Hainanese, Malaysian and Singaporean cuisines, although it is also popular in Thailand and Vietnam. It is based on a well-known Hainanese dish called Wenchang chicken (文昌雞), due to its adoption by the Hainanese overseas Chinese population in the Nanyang area (present-day Southeast Asia). Chicken rice in Malaysia is available in many Chinese coffee shops or restaurants or street hawker stalls, but also chain restaurants such as The Chicken Rice Shop and OldTown White Coffee.

Wednesday, 20 August 2014

Nasi ayam - Our Nasi Briyani Ayam is Backkkkk!! For those ... - Fara's Restaurant

Nasi ayam - Our <b>Nasi</b> Briyani <b>Ayam</b> is Backkkkk!! For those <b>...</b> - Fara&#39;s Restaurant

Our <b>Nasi</b> Briyani <b>Ayam</b> is Backkkkk!! For those <b>...</b> - Fara&#39;s Restaurant

Posted: 18 Aug 2014 04:27 AM PDT

Our Nasi Briyani Ayam is Backkkkk!! For those who missed out on this special this Fasting Month,be sure to grab the chance to have it this Weekend at FRC's Malacca Lok Lok Steamboat Buffet! Make your reservations NOW! Call 8457 7044 for bookings! #FRCDining #nasibriyani #backbypopulardemand #malaccalokloksteamboatbuffet #halalsteamboatsg #halalsg #halalfood #sentosa #jombalikkampungtheme

Tuesday, 19 August 2014

Nasi ayam - Chicken fried rice method - Resepi dan cara membuat nasi ayam

Nasi ayam - Chicken fried rice method - Resepi dan cara membuat <b>nasi ayam</b>

Chicken fried rice method - Resepi dan cara membuat <b>nasi ayam</b>

Posted: 11 Aug 2014 08:35 AM PDT

Resepi dan cara membuat nasi ayam

Resepi Nasi Ayam dah pernah or dah banyak kali kot tulis kat blog nie.. Tapi semalam aku tukar style lain.. Kalau korang nak try, boleh try yang ni.. dah lah simple, sedap pulak.. hahahahahah mampos puji diri lagi..

Tapi harap ampun la.. rumah aku takde ayam besar.. semua aku beli suruh siang kecik.. hahaha.. kalau korang plan nak buat nasi ayam.. beli ayam sekor potong 4 ok? baru umphhh!!

Dah mari salin resepi.. Masak nasi ayam untuk berbuka memang sesuai.. tak payah nak 3-4 macam lauk ;)

i) 3 pot beras (untuk keluarga kecilku)
ii) basuh beras bersih-bersih dan toskan

lemak dan kulit ayam (jangan buang.. basuh bersih dan guna untuk masak nasi)
i) 3 sudu majerin

(bahan tumbuk)
i) 3 ulas bawang merah
ii) 3 ulas bawang putih
iii) 1 inci halia

* on kan rice cooker anda.. bila dah panas, masukkan majerin.. tumis bahan tumbuk hingga perang.. masukkan lemak dan kulit ayam.. tumis sekali ya.. kemudian masukkan beras tadi dan kacau rata-rata hingga wangi.. membunuh ok bau dia time ni.. hahah.. kemudian masukkan sup dari rebusan ayam.. jangan banyak sangat air takut nasi menjadi lembik.. kurang tak pe.. Ok!! siap nasi ayam!!!! kalau sup tak cukup, pepandailah korang tambah air biasa ke apa.. hehehe

potongan ayam

(bahan tumbuk)
i) 4 biji bawang putih
ii) 2 biji bawang merah
iii) 2 inci halia

i) 1 kiub ayam
ii) daun sup
iii) daun bawang
iv) bawang goreng

*tak perlu tumis.. didihkan air.. lebur je ayam ngan bahan tumbuk tu.. campak kiub ayam.. masukkan garam.. bila ayam dah masak, tutup api.. keluarkan ayam dan toskan ayam.. sup tu bahagikan ye..separuh untuk masak nasi.. dan selebihnya untuk dimakan bersama nasi ayam.. campakkan daun sup, daun bawang dan bawang goreng sebagai hiasan ;)

i) Bahan perap
ii) sos tiram
iii) kicap cair
iv) kicap manis
v) madu
vi) 3-4 titik minyak bijan
Lepas perap/lumurkan.. panaskan minyak.. dan goreng ayam.. tak perlu lama.. sebab ayam dah masak.. sampai nampak cantik je terus angkat.. potong-potong ayam macam kat stall nasi ayam :)

i) 4-5 lada hidup (merah)
ii) 1 biji bawang putih
iii) sedikit gula
iv) sedikit garam
v) 1/2 sudu kecil cuka
vi) 2 sudu makan cili sos
*blend kesemua bahan.. cili sos tak yah blend dulu pon takpe.. kemudian panaskan periuk.. tambah air dan cili sos (ikut tahap kepekatan masing-masing)

*Guna balance perapan ayam tadi.. campurkan dengan kuah sup.. kalau cair.. tambah lagi kicap manis..

Senangkan? InsyaAllah walaupon simple je.. tapi rasa dia mengagumkan.. ok, disebabkan tu juadah untuk berbuka puasakan... rasa tak berapa best kalau menu itu je satu.. so aku buat cekodok bilis.. rangup-rangup makan dengan cili sos.. Acih sorang je hadap berapa ketul.. puas hati tengok semua orang suka ;) aku tak makan pon tak pe.. waaaahhh ibu mithali sangat ni.. hahahaha...

Source and citation:

Anda mungkin menyukai:

Resepi dan cara membuat nasi lemak

Resepi dan cara membuat kek keju meleleh
Resepi dan cara membuat nasi goreng mudah
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Fernavventura - Jakarta based food blogger!: Semarang: <b>Nasi Ayam</b> <b>...</b>

Posted: 14 Jun 2014 11:01 PM PDT

I was glad and feel so grateful that the weather was pretty good that day, and early morning means less traffic or I guess Semarang just in general has less traffic than Jakarta. Anyway, went to Nasi Ayam Bu Surip right after my soto. *hold my breath*.

The Place
As you can see, it's a very down to earth place and very relaxing, unless it's raining but they actually start to set up "terpal" to protect us from the weather.

The Food
Wonder what they are selling? All you see is what you can choose. The food itself was pretty good, their coconut milk is fragrant and very rich but light at the same time.

Nasi Ayam - IDR 8k, mine is half portion - IDR 5k
This is one portion, and excuse the pimple :P

Overall Experience
I like how casual the place and friendly the lady. I think she's like "wth this girl doing" cause whenever I took pic, people around me like giving me "...." face. Haha. And food itself was feel so homey and lovely.

Nasi Ayam Bu Surip

Simpang Lima

Thursday, 14 August 2014

Nasi ayam - Malay Fried Chicken Rice (Nasi Ayam Goreng Kampung) - The ...

Nasi ayam - Malay Fried Chicken Rice (<b>Nasi Ayam</b> Goreng Kampung) - The <b>...</b>

Malay Fried Chicken Rice (<b>Nasi Ayam</b> Goreng Kampung) - The <b>...</b>

Posted: 27 Aug 2013 12:00 PM PDT

Malay Fried Chicken Rice (Nasi Ayam Goreng Kampung)

This is something you should definitely try at least once. Flavorful fried chicken is accompanied with a savory sweet chili sauce and served with white rice steamed in chicken stock and aromatics, with a side of chicken soup to wash it all down. Every single aspect of this meal is a treat to the senses. 

Malay Fried Chicken Rice (Nasi Ayam Goreng Kampung)

It is time consuming but you will notice more or less the same ingredients used for the marinade, rice, soup and sauce, so if you have it all prepped and ready to go it's a lot less work than it looks. Don't be intimidated by the sheer quantity of ingredients!

Malay Fried Chicken Rice (Nasi Ayam Goreng Kampung)

Malay Fried Chicken Rice (Nasi Ayam Goreng Kampung)


Serves: 2


  • 1 lb. chicken drumsticks / breasts with skin on
  • Sliced tomato (optional)
  • Sliced cucumber (optional)


  • 1½ teaspoons garlic, minced
  • ½ teaspoon ginger, minced
  • 1 tablespoon thick soy sauce
  • 1 tablespoon thin soy sauce
  • 1 tablespoon oyster sauce
  • 1 teaspoon sesame oil

Chicken rice

  • 1½ cups long grain rice
  • 1 tablespoon butter
  • 1½ teaspoons garlic, minced
  • ½ teaspoon ginger, minced
  • ½ teaspoon lemongrass, minced
  • 1 star anise
  • 2 green cardamoms
  • ½ cinnamon stick
  • 2½ cups chicken stock
  • Salt to taste

Chicken soup

  • 2 cups chicken stock
  • 1 shallot, sliced
  • ½ star anise
  • ¼ cinnamon stick
  • 2 cloves
  • 1 bay leaf
  • ½ teaspoon fried shallots
  • 1 tablespoon cilantro
  • Salt to taste

Chili sauce

  • 3 tablespoons chili paste / Sriracha sauce
  • 2 tablespoons chicken stock
  • ½ teaspoon garlic, minced
  • ¼ teaspoon ginger, minced
  • ½ teaspoon white vinegar
  • 2 teaspoons sugar
  • ¼ teaspoon salt


Fried chicken

  1. Marinate the chicken for at least 30 minutes, preferably overnight
  2. Deep-fry the chicken until the chicken is cooked through and skin is crisp and brown
  3. Set aside

Chicken rice

  1. Rinse the rice in water until the water runs clear. Drain and set aside
  2. Over medium high heat, saute chicken rice aromatics in butter: garlic, ginger, lemongrass, star anise, cardamom and cinnamon stick until fragrant
  3. Add rice and stir to coat, cooking for a minute
  4. Transfer to a rice cooker, pour in chicken stock and season with salt if needed
  5. Dish and serve with fried chicken drizzled in chili sauce and a side of chicken soup. Garnish with sliced tomatoes and cucumber

Chicken soup

  1. Over medium high heat, add shallots, star anise, cinnamon, cloves and bay leaf to the chicken stock and bring to a boil
  2. Season with salt if needed. Remove aromatics, dish and top with fried shallots and cilantro

Chili sauce

  1. Blend all the ingredients into a smooth paste


Anything Can Buy with Online: <b>Nasi ayam</b> at R&R Genting Sempah

Posted: 30 Jul 2014 06:56 PM PDT

Hai dear,

Chicken Rice again and this time in Genting Sempah R&R after a long drive and stomach is hungry so we take the decision to stop awhile.

Chicken Rice looks delicious but when feeling less tasty, reasonably priced just RM 5.00 per meal.

Enjoy Chicken Rice highway in Genting Sempah. R&R.

Jomm food to eat, ...

Hainanese chicken rice - Resepi dan cara membuat <b>nasi ayam</b>

Posted: 30 Jun 2014 09:45 AM PDT

Hainanese chicken rice is a dish of Chinese origin, most commonly associated with Hainanese, Malaysian and Singaporean cuisines, although it is also popular in Thailand and Vietnam. It is based on a well-known Hainanese dish called Wenchang chicken (文昌雞), due to its adoption by the Hainanese overseas Chinese population in the Nanyang area (present-day Southeast Asia). Chicken rice in Malaysia is available in many Chinese coffee shops or restaurants or street hawker stalls, but also chain restaurants such as The Chicken Rice Shop and OldTown White Coffee.

Natural Cooking Club | <b>Nasi Ayam</b> Hainan

Posted: 08 Aug 2014 09:54 AM PDT

Fatal error: Out of memory (allocated 8912896) (tried to allocate 4864 bytes) in /home/sloki/user/t68143/sites/ on line 1381

Tuesday, 12 August 2014

Nasi ayam - Chicken Rice (Hainanese Chicken Rice) 2

Nasi ayam - Chicken Rice (Hainanese Chicken Rice) 2

Chicken Rice (Hainanese Chicken Rice) 2

Posted: 28 Jul 2014 08:32 AM PDT

Truth be told, I got to know about Rasa Malaysia quite sometime ago back in 2006 from one of my favourite food blogs then. All these years, I've been silently supporting Bee without her knowing but now, errrmmm… not so silently anymore aye? :)

When Bee invited me to do a guest post for her last month, I was elated but at the same time, a little worried…


Just take a look at the Bee's recipe index. I doubt that there is any Malaysian/ Singaporean dish that has not been featured on Rasa Malaysia already. Fortunately, 1 out of 2 suggestions suggested got Bee thrilled and she was quick to agree to it because she hasn't featured this particular dish, yet.

Malay Fried Chicken Rice (<b>Nasi Ayam</b> Goreng Kampung) - The <b>...</b>

Posted: 27 Aug 2013 12:00 PM PDT

Malay Fried Chicken Rice (Nasi Ayam Goreng Kampung)

This is something you should definitely try at least once. Flavorful fried chicken is accompanied with a savory sweet chili sauce and served with white rice steamed in chicken stock and aromatics, with a side of chicken soup to wash it all down. Every single aspect of this meal is a treat to the senses. 

Malay Fried Chicken Rice (Nasi Ayam Goreng Kampung)

It is time consuming but you will notice more or less the same ingredients used for the marinade, rice, soup and sauce, so if you have it all prepped and ready to go it's a lot less work than it looks. Don't be intimidated by the sheer quantity of ingredients!

Malay Fried Chicken Rice (Nasi Ayam Goreng Kampung)

Malay Fried Chicken Rice (Nasi Ayam Goreng Kampung)


Serves: 2


  • 1 lb. chicken drumsticks / breasts with skin on
  • Sliced tomato (optional)
  • Sliced cucumber (optional)


  • 1½ teaspoons garlic, minced
  • ½ teaspoon ginger, minced
  • 1 tablespoon thick soy sauce
  • 1 tablespoon thin soy sauce
  • 1 tablespoon oyster sauce
  • 1 teaspoon sesame oil

Chicken rice

  • 1½ cups long grain rice
  • 1 tablespoon butter
  • 1½ teaspoons garlic, minced
  • ½ teaspoon ginger, minced
  • ½ teaspoon lemongrass, minced
  • 1 star anise
  • 2 green cardamoms
  • ½ cinnamon stick
  • 2½ cups chicken stock
  • Salt to taste

Chicken soup

  • 2 cups chicken stock
  • 1 shallot, sliced
  • ½ star anise
  • ¼ cinnamon stick
  • 2 cloves
  • 1 bay leaf
  • ½ teaspoon fried shallots
  • 1 tablespoon cilantro
  • Salt to taste

Chili sauce

  • 3 tablespoons chili paste / Sriracha sauce
  • 2 tablespoons chicken stock
  • ½ teaspoon garlic, minced
  • ¼ teaspoon ginger, minced
  • ½ teaspoon white vinegar
  • 2 teaspoons sugar
  • ¼ teaspoon salt


Fried chicken

  1. Marinate the chicken for at least 30 minutes, preferably overnight
  2. Deep-fry the chicken until the chicken is cooked through and skin is crisp and brown
  3. Set aside

Chicken rice

  1. Rinse the rice in water until the water runs clear. Drain and set aside
  2. Over medium high heat, saute chicken rice aromatics in butter: garlic, ginger, lemongrass, star anise, cardamom and cinnamon stick until fragrant
  3. Add rice and stir to coat, cooking for a minute
  4. Transfer to a rice cooker, pour in chicken stock and season with salt if needed
  5. Dish and serve with fried chicken drizzled in chili sauce and a side of chicken soup. Garnish with sliced tomatoes and cucumber

Chicken soup

  1. Over medium high heat, add shallots, star anise, cinnamon, cloves and bay leaf to the chicken stock and bring to a boil
  2. Season with salt if needed. Remove aromatics, dish and top with fried shallots and cilantro

Chili sauce

  1. Blend all the ingredients into a smooth paste


TunSha Ayunie : Resepi <b>Nasi Ayam</b> Hainan Gojesss

Posted: 06 Aug 2014 08:47 PM PDT

Semalam nak masak kurma ayam.. teringin sangat.. tapi pendamkan je perasaan teringin tu sebab pak mertua tetiba rekues nak makan nasi ayam... sebab nasi ayam wa masak ada rasa macam nasi ayam yang Mama Nora selalu beli..

Sebenarnya banyak versi nasi ayam hainan ni.. wa pun banyak research sebenarnya... so dari research segala resepi.. lastly buat sendiri... derhaka jela kerjanya... kuikuikui

Bahan-bahan :-

2 ketul paha ayam (ikut berapa orang nak makan)

2 ulas bawang putih - tumbuk

sedikit garam

serbuk perasa *optional


Cara-caranya :-

Lebur je semua bahan sehingga mendidih dan masak.. air kena lebih, untuk masak nasi.

Bahan nasi :-

4 pot beras - basuh dan tos

1 sb marjerin

1 ulas bawang putih - tumbuk

4 1/2 sup ayam

Cara-caranya :-

Panaskan marjerin, tumis bawang putih, masukkan beras yang ditos dan goreng sebentar. Masukkan sup ayam dan masak nasi seperti biasa.

Bahan ayam :-

Ayam direbus yang ditos

Marjerin / butter

Cara-caranya :-

Ayam yang direbus tadi sapukan sedikit butter di atas kulitnya dan bakar kejap bagi kulit ayam garing.. kalau takde oven macam wa ni, ayam tu just tos je.. tak payah buat apa dah.. nak sapu minyak bijan sikit pun boleh.

Bahan sambal :-

4 biji cili merah

2 ulas bawang putih

1 inci halia

3-5 biji limau kasturi



sup ayam

Cara-caranya :-

Kisar cili merah, bawang putih dan halia bersama sup ayam. Masak kejap atas api.. cili ni sedap cecair sikit camtu.. dah mendidih sikit masukkan garam dan gula secukup rasa.. dah angkat masuk dalam mangkuk baru perah limau.

Bahan kicap :-

Kicap tamin secukupnya

Sup ayam

Cara-caranya :-

Campur semua bahan dan didihkan kejap.

Haaa amik resepi mudah.. keseluruhan resepi menggunakan SUP AYAM ! wa memang malas nak guna stok ayam yang beli tu.. rasa macam.... entah ! masin melampau ! anyway selamat mencuba :)

<b>Nasi Ayam</b> Bu Pini, Semarang | CINEGOLISTIC - The Journey

Posted: 26 Feb 2014 09:49 PM PST

If we talked about Nasi Ayam, well .. a lot of Nasi Ayam sellers in Semarang. The origin of Nasi Ayam was from Klaten, but it became popular in Semarang. And sometimes people said is the same as Nasi Liwet from Solo, but it's different. There were no small restaurants or warung in the sidewalk of the street, only a lady or simbok wandering around with bakul (wakul, like big wicker basket and covered with banana leaf to put rice) and shouting "Sego Ayaaaaammmmmm …". If we want to buy it, we just called her to stop at our house and we order it. Now that i remembered it .. it seems really nice … Eat in front of the house .. Sit on the floor .. good old time. The price of a pincuk (a portion) was used to be Rp 50,- and nowadays is around Rp 7000,- … rice, shredded chicken, tofu bacem, rambak, half egg, pour it with kuah santan and put santan kental a little.

Nasi Ayam, Semarang

If I'm not mistaken .. around 1989 .. there was a very famous Nasi Ayam called Karangkojo (the name of an alley), the taste a little bit modified into sweet taste and people loved it. People queued just to buy nasi ayam, in a packed small alley. And the others started to follow the pionneer.. they opened a lot of warungs of nasi ayam spread all over Semarang city. But there were some old fashioned sellers who still wandering around just like the old way. But I think there are no more Nasi Ayam sellers who wandering around anymore.

Nasi Ayam, Semarang

As I mentioned before, there are a lot of nasi ayam sellers in Semarang, and all of them have different tastes. Some of them are not good too, so be carefull. Nasi Ayam Bu Pini is one of the best seller in Semarang, the taste is good … in the middle of the sweet and original taste .. quite clean .. and warmhearted. The only downside is its already become a small restaurant since Indomaret buy the building where Bu Pini used to have her warung in front of it. So we can't feel the traditional anymore, but if it just for eating .. than it's the best.

Nasi Ayam, Semarang

Nasi Ayam, Semarang Nasi Ayam, Semarang

Nasi Ayam, Semarang

Nasi Ayam, Semarang

How to Order
The standard of a portion is as I mentioned above, but usually I order differently. What I usually ordered is rice, one whole egg, shredded chicken, kuah santan, and santan kental.. thats it .. oh.. sometimes I asked for a spoon of spicy kuah (soup) just for fun factor, and it cost Rp 8000,-. So adding half egg will cost you Rp 1000,- more.  People said that my order is like an Opor .. nnnnnnnot the same .. but maybe similar looks .. but different taste

Nasi Ayam, Semarang

How to get there
It is located at Gg. Pinggir, Chinatown. Near Gg. Lombok and Semawis (food festival only in weekend in Gg. Warung). Right in front of Indomaret.

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